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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Washington, DC Residents Ask: How Many Chemical Peels Can I Have?

Chemical Peels in Washington, DCThe chemical peel treatment is hugely effective for reducing signs of aging, eliminating skin damage, enhancing skin tone and texture and increasing overall skin health. Once patients get a taste of the incredible benefits, they are eager to schedule their next treatment as soon as possible. Like any treatment, however, you must let the body recover before receiving additional treatment sessions.

Recovering from Your Chemical Peel

After a chemical peel, protecting the skin and ensuring a proper recovery is essential to your skin health and your results. You can expect mild redness and sensitivity in the skin, and a few days following treatment, your skin will begin to peel or flake off. During this time, it is important to protect the skin from sunlight, as the newly revealed skin will be highly sensitive. Until the skin fully recovers, you will not be able to undergo any other cosmetic treatments and will have to limit the skincare products you used to prevent skin irritation or damage.

Scheduling Your Next Chemical Peel

After a few weeks, your skin should be fully healed and you will be ready for an additional chemical peel. Chemical peels can be performed every four to six weeks, or about once a month. However, this time can vary for each patient. The strength of the chemical peel, as well as your skin type, will determine how often you are able to receive chemical peels.

How Many Chemical Peels Should I Have?

Many patients choose to have regular chemical peels to maintain and enhance skin health. These patients may only need to have a chemical peel every four to six months. However, if you are having chemical peels to address specific skin concerns such as wrinkles, acne scars, or other forms of skin damage, you may need a minimum number of treatments to address these concerns. For these patients, it may be more appropriate to have monthly chemical peels until the desired results are achieved. If you are considering a chemical peel treatment, contact us today at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center. We offer chemical peels to men and women living in Vienna, Washington, DC, Woodbridge and the nearby areas of Maryland and Virginia.