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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Scheduling a Chemical Peel Before the Holidays

Chemical Peels in Washington, DCYes, it’s that time of year again. Amid the party invitations, decorating, baking and gift wrapping, it’s easy to forget to schedule in some self-care—like a chemical peel. If you’re contemplating whether or not to freshen up your face for the holidays, it’s totally possible. Just be sure to schedule a chemical peel no later than one month prior to a big event to give yourself enough time to heal.

What’s a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a treatment used to remove layers of old or aging skin and expose smooth, radiant new skin underneath. A chemical solution is applied to the face, hands or neck, which causes the older skin to exfoliate and peel off.

Superficial peel: This is the gentlest type of chemical peel. A mild acid, such as an alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy acid, is used to exfoliate the top layer of skin and help improve moderate skin discoloration, tough skin and reinvigorate the hands, face and neck.

Medium peel: A medium peel is more intense than a superficial peel. Glycolic or trichloroacetic acid (TCA) permeates both the top and middle layers of skin for a deeper exfoliation. This treatment helps to correct deeper skin discoloration, age spots, wrinkles, fine lines and acne scars.

Deep peel: This is the most powerful chemical peel available. Phenol, the strongest chemical able to penetrate the deepest layers of skin, is applied. Deep chemical peels are ideal for skin that has sun damage, deep scars or wrinkles, pre-cancerous growths or uneven blotchiness.
This treatment may require pre-treatment, such as a retinoid gel or acid cream, up to eight weeks before the peel.

What Kinds of Chemical Peels Does Younger Image Offer?

VI Peel: This is a superficial peel by VI Aesthetics. The VI Peel reveals smooth skin, an even skin tone and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Results are visible as early as one week post-treatment.

Blue Peel®: This is a medium peel from the Obagi® skin care line. It treats sun damage, scars, wrinkles and blemishes. Post-treatment, the skin is tighter, firmer and smoother. The recovery process is about seven to 10 days.

Melanage™ MiniPeel: This chemical peel is designed to treat melasma and hyper pigmentation. A masque is applied at Younger Image and remains on the patient for five to 10 hours. The patient removes the masque at home, then follows an at-home regimen. Peeling occurs two to three days after, and redness can remain for one to two weeks after the procedure.

How Long Does the Recovery Process Take?

The recovery process depends on the type chemical peel that a patient selects. Superficial peels can take up to a week to heal completely. Medium peels need seven to 14 days to restore treated skin. Deep chemical peels typically require 14 days or longer to recover.

With each type of treatment, peeling, redness, swelling and mild discomfort are normal. Medium and deep peels may require medication to prevent infection or minimize pain. With a deep peel, skin may remain red for several months post-treatment.

Schedule Your Treatment

To learn more or schedule a chemical peel, contact Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center to schedule your personalized consultation today. We serve patients throughout the communities of Washington, D.C., Vienna, Woodbridge and neighboring Northern Virginia residents.