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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

When Can I Work Out After a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a fantastic way to remove excess fat and skin, as well as tighten your abdominal muscles.

If you really want to make your results stand out and are ready to get back to the gym, you’re likely wondering, “When can I work out after a tummy tuck?” Here’s what you should know!

Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions

Before you participate in any physical activity whatsoever, whether it’s exercise or even sex, make sure you consult with the surgeon who performed your abdominoplasty beforehand. Everyone’s body heals differently, so it’s important to get approval from your doctor first.

Ease Yourself Into It at First

The answer to the question, “When can I work out after a tummy tuck,”is that it varies from person to person, however it’s recommended that patients get a little bit of movement during or after the first 24 hours.

What matters is that you take it slow with a brief walk around your house, increasing the duration each time.

Start With Some Light Cardio

It’s best to begin with light cardiovascular activity when planning to exercise after a tummy tuck. Start walking, using the elliptical, or stationary cycling after two weeks with your surgeon’s approval. You shouldn’t engage your abdominal muscles just yet.

Get Back Into Your Regular Routine

Around five to six weeks post-op, you can gradually incorporate gentle but effective abdominal exercises to strengthen these muscles, such as pilates and yoga.

About from seven to 10 weeks after your surgery, you can engage in lifting, more intense body weight exercises like crunches, and similar activities. Just make sure to really take your time and listen to your body.

Now That Your Question, “When Can I Work Out After a Tummy Tuck,” Has Been Answered, It’s Time to Book a Tummy Tuck Consultation!

How you care for yourself after your procedure has a huge impact on your results, which is why our team at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center can’t wait to guide you and ensure the best outcome possible.

Contact us at 703-775-2614 to book a consultation and learn more about cosmetic surgery that can help you achieve your ideal image!