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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Washington, D.C. Resident Ask: When Should I Replace My Implants?

Breast Augmentation in Washington, DCWhen a woman makes the decision to have breast augmentation, it’s a natural question to wonder if or when she’ll have to replace the implants. Although there was a time this could be a cause for concern, advancements in breast augmentation procedures, as well as the implants themselves, have reduced the need to have a lot of concern about replacement implants.

Back in 2011, the FDA released a report about silicone implant safety and stated that roughly one woman in five needed a replacement after about 10 years. Another way of saying it is that four women out of five would NOT need to replace their implants.

Another theory for the “10-year rule” is that 10 years is the length of time most manufacturers put on their implants. This doesn’t mean the implants automatically need to be replaced. It just means if they have to be replaced after 10 years, the manufacturer is no longer obligated to pay for them.

What Causes a Need for Implant Replacements?

Believe it or not, a ruptured or leaking implant is not the only cause for implant replacement. In fact, it’s not even the primary cause. Rupture, deflation or leaking only occur in about 3% of all implants. That makes them a very rare occurrence.

In the unlikely event it happens, it will, of course, be necessary to replace one or both implants. But the likelihood of that happening is really quite *unlikely*, and it almost never happens with silicone implants.

Another reason you could find yourself needing a replacement is called capsule contracture. Following breast augmentation surgery, the body forms scar tissue around the implants. Over time, this scar tissue can harden and begin to contract, squeezing the implant and causing pain and distortion of the appearance of the breast.

Breast implants, once positioned properly, are not supposed to move. But under some circumstances, they can, and it’s often called migration. They typically don’t move far, and sometimes they rotate a bit as part of the movement. It’s rarely painful but can often cause the breasts to look uneven or abnormal.

The Number One Reason Breast Implants Are Replaced

The most common reason women go back in and have implants replaced is that for whatever reason, they’re not happy with the size they have.

Sometimes they realize the size they chose doesn’t look as large as they hoped it would. In other instances, they decide they went too big and the breasts don’t look properly proportioned with the rest of their body. This issue can be accentuated if you happen to lose or gain weight over the years.

Another reason they may decide to replace them has less to do with size and more to do with technology. If they had implants inserted several years ago, they may want to ‘upgrade’ to a newer version…one that might look and even more natural.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is, if you’re considering breast implants, it’s important you know that they really don’t come with an expiration date. Contact us about scheduling a free consultation, and we’ll discuss all your options and help you set expectations.