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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Washington, DC Residents Ask: How Do I Get the Perfect Pout?

Lip Enhancement Before and After Pictures Washington, DC

Unlike the rest of the body, there aren’t any exercises or diets you can do to enhance the shape of the lips. Those who are looking for ways to improve the shape and size of the lips have pretty limited options, and these options are even more limited if you are trying to avoid surgery and permanent lip implants. Fortunately, dermal fillers make it easy to achieve beautiful, voluptuous lips and fulfill your cosmetic goals.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are treatments that are injected into the face to produce a youthful volume that looks and feels natural. These treatments can be used for many reasons, but some dermal fillers are designed specifically to enhance the size and shape of the lips. Products such as Juvederm®, Radiesse®, and Restylane® are exclusively for lip enhancement.

How are Dermal Fillers Administered?

During a dermal filler treatment, a topical anesthetic is applied to the lips, numbing them to prevent any discomfort from the injection. Then, the desired product will be injected into and around the lips to produce the desired result. Once injected, the formula may be lightly massaged to ensure that it is evenly distributed throughout the lips. The injection process takes only a few minutes, making lip injections a quick and convenient treatment for those looking to enhance lip volume.

What Kind of Lip Enhancement Results Can I Expect from Dermal Fillers?

After your dermal filler treatment, results are visible instantly. Patients will notice enhanced lip shape and volume before they even leave their appointment. These results can also help to diminish the appearance of fine lines around the mouth. Dermal fillers are designed to produce long-lasting results, so patients can expect the results from their lip injections to last up to a year or longer. After this time, additional treatments can be easily performed to maintain results.

Where Can I Learn More About Dermal Fillers for Lip Enhancement?

At Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center, we specialize in lip injections and other dermal filler and injectable treatments. To learn more about these treatments or schedule an initial consultation, contact us. We welcome patients from Washington, DC, Vienna, Woodbridge and the neighboring areas of Maryland and Virginia.