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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Washington, DC Residents Ask: Am I a Good Candidate for a Thigh Lift?

Thigh Lifts in Washington, DCBody lifting procedures can help eliminate loose skin that remains after significant weight loss. They can also help eliminate stubborn body fat to enhance the contour of the body. With a thigh lift, patients can sculpt the thighs to enhance their shape and remove excess skin. However, there are a few factors that will determine if a patient is a good candidate for this procedure, or if they should look for other solutions.

Are You In Good Health?

Before considering any surgical treatment, it is important that a patient is in good health. Patients at a healthy weight are typically good candidates for thigh lifts and other surgical procedures. However, if you regularly smoke tobacco products or have certain medical conditions, the thigh lift surgery may include certain risks that make you an illegitimate candidate for treatment.

Are You Done Losing Weight?

Patients typically choose to have a thigh lift or other body lift procedure after they are finished losing weight. This is because weight loss can create excess, sagging skin on the legs and other areas of the body. The thigh lift procedure can remove this skin to create firmer, smoother legs. If you continue to lose weight after the thigh lift procedure, you may increase the amount of loose skin on the legs. Then, the thigh lift procedure will have essentially been for nothing. For this reason, it is recommended that patients only schedule their thigh lift surgery once they are at their goal weight.

Do You Have Realistic Expectations?

As with any surgical procedure, it is important to have realistic expectations about your results. The thigh lift procedure can produce significant body contouring benefits, but it is important to understand the limits of the surgery and what it cannot do. Patients with unrealistic results tend to be unhappy after their treatment, even after achieving optimal results.

Do You Think You Are a Good Candidate for a Thigh Lift?

If you think you may be a good candidate for a thigh lift, contact us today to schedule a consultation at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center. We welcome patients from Vienna, Washington, DC, Rockville and the surrounding areas of Maryland and Virginia.