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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Want the Best Liposuction Results in Fairfax, Virginia? Do These 6 Things

It’s a given that when you invest your time and money into a cosmetic procedure like liposuction, you want your results to be amazing and long lasting.

If you’re wondering how to get the best liposuction results in Fairfax, Virginia, just keep reading for six tips recommended by experts!

  • Choose a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon With Extensive Experience

Your experience with liposuction is heavily dependent on how good your surgeon is. An experienced doctor is the key to a safe surgery and a successful outcome, so you need to choose your liposuction surgeon wisely.

Look for a highly rated board-certified practitioner who has a lot of experience performing surgical fat reduction. They will review your medical history, previous procedures, your body type and fat percentage, and similar details to administer the appropriate techniques and deliver optimal results.

  • Set Positive But Realistic Goals and Expectations for Your Surgery

An often overlooked part of achieving fantastic results is ensuring that you’re actually a good candidate for liposuction. If you don’t fit the criteria, then you might find yourself disappointed.

A suitable candidate for surgical body contouring is someone who is physically healthy, within 30% of their ideal weight, and a non-smoker. Having firm skin with good elasticity is important as well, however additional procedures can be performed to correct sagging skin.

On that note, make sure that you have optimistic but realistic goals and expectations based on your body’s and your surgeon’s limitations.

  • Talk With Other People Who Have Had Body Contouring Surgery

A genuine plastic surgeon is going to be honest with you, but it may help you to talk with patients who have undergone liposuction regardless. Having support and honesty from someone who has experienced every step of the process can provide you comfort and answers.

If you have a friend, family member, or even coworker that has had fat reduction surgery, ask them about their experience with their surgeon.

  • Plan and Prepare for Your Recovery Ahead of Time

You should prepare for a minimum of five days of social downtime, including from work and school. The first week after any cosmetic surgery is the hardest part, so plan for your recovery in advance.

Make sure you have someone to drive you home and stay with you, grocery shop and / or meal prep, and take care of any chores and errands if necessary.

  • Stay Committed to Your Surgeon’s Aftercare Instructions

Both short-term and long-term aftercare is important for not only getting the best liposuction results in Fairfax, Virginia but maintaining them as well. Each doctor has their own rules and instructions, so listen to what your surgeon recommends after liposuction.

You can expect to wear a compression garment, avoid strenuous activities like heavy lifting, and care for your incisions as part of your instructions.

  • Remember That Results Are Permanent If You Allow Them to Be

Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the body, making it a long lasting option for fat reduction. That being said, your results can become diminished if you don’t do your part to maintain a stable weight.

Commit to a healthy lifestyle with consistent exercise, nutritious diets, and frequent hydration. You’ll be surprised at how much it improves and extends your results.

A Short Drive to Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center Is All It Takes to Get the Best Liposuction Results in Fairfax, Virginia!

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center is an esteemed surgical center and medical spa clinic that is proudly serving several areas around Fairfax with our five convenient locations! We specialize in surgical fat reduction with an extensive liposuction portfolio.

Book your consultation today by calling 703-775-2614!