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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Radiesse® for the Hands

Radiesse in Washington, DCOur hands are a vital part of how we communicate and present ourselves to others. Hands are the first place to show signs of ageing as they are exposed to the environment every day and are typically overlooked when we apply sunscreen and other skin treatments. Also, over time, our hands lose volume as fatty tissue becomes thinner, exposing veins and tendons.

Radiesse® has recently received approval from the FDA for hand augmentation, and Aubry, our aesthetic nurse with over 10 years of experience with injectables, has been certified to inject in the hands. Below you will see the before and after photos of one of our patients who has recently received this treatment.

Radiesse® is a safe gel formula that contains calcium microspheres (CaHA) which stimulate the body to produce collagen, resulting in immediate and long lasting volume augmentation. If you feel that your hands don’t match your overall appearance, call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation to see if Radiesse® is right for you.