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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Liposuction Downtime in Virginia

Liposuction Downtime in Virginia: Important Information You Need to Know

After liposuction is a time for rest and healing. There are arrangements you should make ahead of surgery, as well as important aftercare instructions you’ll need to follow.

Here’s a glimpse into what you need to know about liposuction downtime in Virginia, though your surgeon will provide you with exact instructions that take priority over this information.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to reduce fat and contour your body. It’s a versatile procedure that can be done on more than one area including but not limited to your abdomen, arms, and legs.

What Should I Expect After Liposuction?

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure that may be performed in your surgeon’s own facility or in their preferred setting such as a hospital. You need to make arrangements to have someone drive you home. You can expect to feel sore and groggy from the anesthesia.

Before you even have surgery, take the time to prepare your home. If you think you’ll need help, make sure to put it in place beforehand. Buy easy-to-prepare meals. Make sure you have comfortable clothes easily accessible. Gather your essential items, and keep them next to your bed.

Your plastic surgeon may prescribe pain medication for you. Get that filled before surgery if possible. Also, ask them for additional tips on how you can prepare your home.

What Is Liposuction Downtime in Virginia Like?

Recovery from liposuction happens in stages, and most of the healing time is done within six weeks.

It’s important to remember liposuction recovery is different for each patient, though here is what to expect in general:

  • First few days: Your surgeon will have given you compression garments and bandages to wear following your liposuction surgery. These are worn to help reduce swelling and contour your body.

You might also have drains in place at the surgical site to prevent the buildup of fluid. You’ll be given instructions on how to properly care for them.

During this time, expect to feel sore. Follow your pain medication schedule as directed. This is a time when your activity needs to be restricted.

  • Weeks one through two: After you’ve taken the time to rest, you’ll notice a significant decrease in pain and soreness.

Most patients find they can return to work after two weeks. However, if your job is particularly demanding, you might want to wait a bit longer. Your surgeon will let you know when it’s okay for you to return to work. You should still be wearing your compression garments.

  • Weeks three through five: About four weeks after liposuction, many patients are no longer dealing with pain and soreness. You will likely still be swollen though.

At this time, you should start to see visible results. Don’t forget, your results will continue to improve as the swelling and bruising subside. At this point, it should be okay to resume light exercise. You should still refrain from strenuous exercise and other physically demanding activities.

  • Week six and beyond: You may notice that most of your bruising and swelling are gone. However, you may still have minor swelling that lingers for a while.

You should be able to remove your compression garments now. Unless your plastic surgeon tells you otherwise, it should be okay for you to resume normal physical activity without restrictions.

The final outcome of your liposuction should be visible. Congratulations, you did it!

Additional Liposuction Recovery Tips Include the Following:

During liposuction downtime in Virginia, it’s crucial you take care of yourself. Surgery is tough on the human body!

  • Proper healing requires a proper diet, so eat a well-balanced, healthy diet.
  • Hydration is also important for your recovery. Don’t like it plain? Infuse it with fruits or herbs to make it taste better.
  • You have noticed in the past whenever you’ve been sick your doctor has always said to get plenty of rest. That’s because sleep is restorative, and your body needs it to heal. You’ve got permission to take naps without guilt!
  • Exercise isn’t recommended during liposuction recovery, but movement is. If you’re able, take short walks but pay attention to your body. If you get the signal it’s time to stop, do so.
  • This one can’t be stressed enough. It is sometimes hard for people to ask for help. Now is one time it’s okay. Make your liposuction recovery a time to pamper yourself, and let others handle the hard jobs like cleaning, caring for kids, and running errands.

During liposuction recovery, you’re going to notice you tire out pretty easily. Don’t push it. Your health and liposuction results depend on you taking care of yourself!

Amazing Liposuction Results You’ll Be Proud to Show Off Are Just a Phone Call Away

If you want to experience amazing liposuction results and a partner every step of the way, choose Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center. Our team, led by Dr. Jamal Yousefi understands every patient has unique needs. We want you to know yours will be met with understanding, compassion, and the expertise required to make sure you achieve the results you desire.

We believe in clear communication and providing the highest quality care using only the most advanced technology and techniques. If you’re ready to learn more about liposuction, today is a great day to call!

To schedule your consultation and find out about our accredited, state-of-the-art surgery center, please contact us at 703-775-2614 to start your journey to a beautifully sculpted body!