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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Lipo 360: What to Know About This Technique for Affordable Liposuction in Fairfax, Virginia

Liposuction involves surgical removal of fat cells from a specific area of the body. The end result is a slimmer, toned, and smoother contour.

If you want to get rid of unwanted fat in various areas of your midsection in the same procedure, Lipo 360 may provide just the look you want. Keep reading to learn about affordable liposuction in Fairfax, Virginia.

What Are the Benefits of Lipo 360?

Traditional liposuction only gets rid of fat in certain areas of the body. However, Lipo 360, or circumferential lipo, eliminates fat cells from various regions to create a finished look with one procedure. Lipo 360 provides more comprehensive results and can drastically change your appearance.

Circumferential liposuction addresses the entire midsection, including the stomach, obliques, and mid to lower back. This means no more belly pooch or love handles!

Surgeons who perform Lipo 360 focus on sculpting the body the way you want it to be. Not only will stubborn fat be removed, the surgeon also focuses on reshaping and recontouring the body to create your desired aesthetic. You should see results within one to three months after treatment.

Is Lipo 360 Actually Affordable Liposuction in Fairfax, Virginia?

There are many factors that affect how much you’ll pay, including which areas will be treated, your location, and the provider you choose. You can expect to pay about $2,000 to $7,000 for this procedure.

Boost Your Confidence and Look Better Than Ever With Lipo 360 From Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Your search for affordable liposuction in Fairfax, Virginia ends with Dr. Jamal Yousefi at Younger Image!

If diet and exercise aren’t creating the look you want, Lipo 360 may be just the procedure you need to achieve your dream look. Get started by calling our office at 703-775-2614 to book a consultation.