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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Is Tumescent the Best Liposuction in Tysons Corner, Virginia?

Tumescent Lipo

It’s no secret that liposuction, or lipo, is the most common surgical procedure for getting rid of unwanted fat, but have you heard of tumescent lipo?

How is it different from traditional liposuction? Is it the best liposuction in Tysons Corner, Virginia? Let’s find out!

What Exactly is Tumescent Liposuction?

This is a safe alternative to traditional liposuction that requires only local anesthesia. It uses a solution that includes saline, adrenaline, and an anesthetic to firm the fat giving your surgeon more control.

After the solution is injected, your surgeon uses a thin tube to suction the fat.

Is Tumescent Liposuction Safer Than Traditional Liposuction?

It is! Causing the fat to become firm before suction significantly reduces blood loss during the procedure. It also reduces swelling and pain post-op.

It’s also much safer because it doesn’t require general anesthesia. You won’t need prescription pain medication after surgery, either.

Expect a Much Faster Recovery Period

Traditional liposuction often requires several days to weeks to recover. Tumescent liposuction recovery is easier, and many patients can return to work within a day or two.

You will experience some soreness after the procedure, but that can easily be managed at home with an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever.

How Do I Know I’m a Good Candidate for Tumescent Liposuction?

The only way to determine if this surgery is a good fit for you is to meet with a qualified surgeon. During a consultation, they will review your medical history and what you hope to achieve from the treatment to be sure you qualify.

Ready for the Best Liposuction in Tysons Corner, Virginia? Contact Younger Image!

If it’s time for you to experience the most amazing results from tumescent liposuction, you need the expertise of Dr. Jamal Yousefi!

Book your consultation today by calling 703-775-2614, and meet a talented surgeon who is dedicated to helping you look and feel your absolute best!