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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Much Is Microneedling in Rockville, Maryland?

Microneedling is a wonderful cosmetic facial rejuvenation procedure that uses tiny needles to stimulate new collagen in your skin.

This improves the appearance of wrinkles, scars, and other skin issues. You may wonder how much such an amazing procedure costs.

Here’s the scoop on what you need to know about the cost of microneedling in Rockville, Maryland. 

So, Just How Much Will I Pay For Microneedling in Rockville, Maryland?

Generally, each treatment costs between $200 and $700. Your exact cost will depend on your individual needs and a number of other factors, such as the following. 

Target Area

The specific area that you want treated can factor into the overall price.

For example, larger areas are often more expensive than smaller areas. Areas with more wrinkles or scars may also take more treatments and therefore may be more expensive. 

Geographic Location

Cosmetic services typically cost more on the coasts and in large cities, and microneedling is no exception. This is due to high demand and competitive marketplace. 

Provider Experience

If your provider has a lot of experience, they are likely to charge more for services.

But, keep in mind that you may not always be getting the best service just because you are paying the most. Make sure you like other things about your provider beyond just a price tag. 

Number of Treatments

Each patient may require a different amount of treatments depending on their skincare needs. Usually, those getting treatment for wrinkles need fewer treatments than those getting this treatment for scars. 

For Amazing Results From Microneedling in Rockville, Maryland, Look No Further Than Younger Image!

Now that you know a lot more about the cost of microneedling, you are ready to come to Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center for treatment!

Give us a call at 703-775-2614 to make an appointment today. We are here to guide you through the process, so you feel comfortable and safe during all cosmetic medical spa services!