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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Much Is Liposuction in Fairfax, Virginia?

How Much Is Liposuction in Fairfax Virginia?

When considering any cosmetic surgery, most people think about their budget first. This is especially true of elective surgeries like liposuction, as insurance likely won’t cover the expense.

How much is liposuction in Fairfax, Virginia? What variables impact the cost? Will you need to budget for aftercare?

Let’s break down the financials of this safe and effective way to surgically remove unwanted fat.

Your Cost Depends Largely on What Area(s) You Want to Treat

This is going to be a huge factor when determining your costs. For example, liposuction for your outer thighs can cost around $2,500 in the lower range and $6,000 in the higher range. Buttocks range from $2,000 – $5,000. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind – smaller treatment areas cost less.

Be Aware of These Variables

You aren’t just paying for surgery. You’re also paying for the skill and experience of your surgeon, as well as additional fees, which may include preoperative exams or tests, anesthesia costs, and the technology used during your procedure.

Your final cost of liposuction is also impacted by where you live. Areas with a higher cost of living tend to see higher prices for cosmetic surgeries.

So, What’s the Bottom Line? How Much is Liposuction in Fairfax, Virginia?

Without a lipo consultation with your surgeon, it’s impossible to know exactly how much you’ll pay. If you’re interested in saving money, ask your surgeon about specials or liposuction bundles.

For the Best Liposuction Results in Fairfax, Virginia Trust the Experts at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center!

Our staff, along with Dr. Yousefi, wants your liposuction experience to exceed your expectations. We’re excited to meet with you during your consultation to give you a detailed answer to your question, “How much is liposuction in Fairfax, Virginia?”

Schedule your consultation today by calling 703-775-2614 if you’re ready to enjoy a slimmer and beautifully contoured body! Be sure to ask us about financing when you call!