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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Much Is Liposuction in Dulles, VA for Surgical Body Contouring?

Liposuction, commonly referred to as simply lipo, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the US. It’s a common go-to for patients who are struggling to lose unwanted fat. Diet and exercise aren’t always the solution, but liposuction can be. So, how much is liposuction in Dulles, VA?

Naturally, the cost of surgery is important when planning your budget. Here, you’ll discover how much you can expect to pay, as well as other important information you need to know.

How Do I Prepare for Liposuction?

Before surgery, you need to schedule a consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon who is board certified and has a great reputation for providing outstanding results. During this meeting, you’ll exchange quite a bit of information, so you should be prepared to provide your complete health history and have an examination.

Your surgeon will let you know how to prepare for lipo. These prep instructions are not hard, but they are essential.

Depending on your medical evaluation, you might need clearance from your primary care provider. It might also be necessary for you to adjust or stop taking certain medications, but do not do so unless you’re given clearance to do so from the prescribing healthcare provider.

Because alcohol and smoking impact your blood vessels, it’s important to stop both before surgery. They can significantly delay your body’s natural healing process.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Because liposuction is not a weight loss treatment but an enhancement to an already healthy lifestyle, candidates should be close to their ideal weight. You’re likely a good candidate for liposuction if you’re generally healthy, a non-smoker, and have realistic expectations about the outcome.

How Long Is Liposuction Recovery? Is It Painful?

As long as you follow all post-liposuction instructions, your recovery shouldn’t be complicated or painful. Of course, it takes time for your body to heal, so you do need to plan on a few days of rest after surgery.

The first 48 hours after liposuction are typically the most uncomfortable. You’ll notice draining, which is normal. You’ll wear a compression garment for a period of time to aid with healing and to help shape your body.

Many patients feel like returning to their normal activities and going back to work within a week. However, you need to wait at least a month before engaging in strenuous activity. Listen to your body, and stop what you’re doing and rest if you feel pain or discomfort.

How Much Fat Can I Lose With Liposuction?

There is a misconception that you can tell your surgeon how much fat you want gone and they’ll remove it. The truth is there is a limit to how much fat can be removed during liposuction, which is usually 6,000 mL of fat / fluid.

Does It Take Long to See Liposuction Results?

Liposuction results aren’t visible immediately, but don’t get discouraged! It’s normal to experience bloating and swelling after surgery and that can make you appear as if you’ve gained weight.

Give your body time to heal. It can take up to three months to see a drastic improvement in your body shape and size. But, the wait is certainly worth it!

Can I Have Loose Skin Removed During the Procedure Too?

It is possible for the skin to tighten after liposuction on its own, but that may not be enough. If you have excess skin you wish to remove, you should speak to your provider about skin tightening surgery after lipo.

Are Results Permanent?

Once the fat is removed from your body, it’s gone forever.

But while you cannot grow new fat cells, the ones that are left can expand if you don’t take care of yourself.

You can enjoy liposuction results long term if you’re committed to a healthy lifestyle. A good tip is to eat small, nutritious meals throughout the day instead of the standard three meals a day.

Eating this way helps keep away those midday and nighttime munchies when you’re more likely to grab something unhealthy. Also, be sure to exercise regularly, stay hydrated, and avoid negative habits that harm your health such as smoking.

So, What’s the Bottom Line on Cost? How Much Is Liposuction in Dulles, VA?

The cost of liposuction varies widely and depends on many factors including the size of the area you are treating, the number of areas you wish to treat, and the skill / experience of your surgeon.  It’s important to remember all surgeons have their own pricing.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons states the average price of liposuction is $3,637, but it can range from $1,500 to as much as $20,000 or higher. You should receive customized upfront pricing at your consultation.

Are There Ways to Save Money on Liposuction?

Most plastic surgeons don’t offer specials or discounts but do offer flexible payment options to make surgery accessible to all patients. Be sure to ask your surgeon about financing.

Typically, these are services you need to apply for and get approved for before meeting with a surgeon.

Don’t Put Your Dream Body Off Any Longer – Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation Today!

If you’re searching for a state-of-the-art surgical center and a world-renowned surgeon with years of experience and exceptional skill, stop your search and pick up the phone now that we’ve answered your question, “How much is liposuction in Dulles, VA?”

Start your journey to a beautifully sculpted and slimmer physique by calling us today at 703-775-2614 to book your consultation with Dr. Yousefi and receive your personalized pricing!