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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Much Is a BBL in Tysons Corner?

Do your 2022 goals include a lifted, sculpted butt! When diet and exercise don’t work, a Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, may be just the thing you need to help you achieve that goal faster!

So, how much is a BBL in Tysons Corner? There are many factors that contribute to the cost, so here’s what you need to consider.

How Does a BBL Work to Enhance Your Butt?

A BBL is a fat transfer surgery, so fat is harvested from one area of the body and then implanted in the target area to give you a lifted, fuller bottom.

With the right diet and exercise, you can maintain your results long term!

How Much Is a BBL in Tysons Corner Going to Cost Me?

There’s no way to give you an exact quote without a consultation, but the average price is $4,950. The following factors play a role in how much you’ll pay for this treatment.

Geographic Location

Medical procedures, including cosmetic surgeries, are impacted by your location.

In places like high-priced cities and areas with above-average costs of living, you can expect to pay more for just about everything, including cosmetic surgery.

Skill and Experience of Your Surgeon

This is one area where you don’t want to be thrifty. Paying more for an experienced surgeon likely means better care and results overall.

If you want a beautifully shaped backside, seek the care of an experienced surgeon that regularly performs this specific procedure.

Your Unique Body and Cosmetic Goals

Your medical history, health, and cosmetic goals affect the price. When wondering how much is a BBL in Tysons Corner, it’s important to know that your cost is unique to you!

Who Is a Good Candidate for a BBL?

To find out if a BBL is right for you, it’s important to consult with a skilled surgeon. Women and men who are in good health and have sufficient fat in a donor area are the best candidates.

Lift and Fill in Your Butt With a BBL From the Area’s Top Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Jamal Yousefi!

Dr. Yousefi has the experience you need to get the best results from a BBL.

To find out just how priceless a BBL is and to get your custom quote, contact us for a consultation today at 703-775-2614!