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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Much Does Liposuction Cost in Alexandria, VA?

Pursuing liposuction is a personal decision that is made by considering many factors, including your budget. That’s why you’re likely asking, “How much does liposuction cost in Alexandria, VA?”

Here’s what you need to know about the price, what affects it, and smart ways to save money on your procedure!

What’s the Skinny on Liposuction? How Does It Work?

Liposuction, also referred to as lipo, is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the United States. This body contouring procedure is designed to reduce excess pockets of fat in order to create a slimmer and smoother physique.

While additional technologies and techniques may be included, the bulk of the procedure involves creating small, easy-to-conceal incisions, inserting a cannula (a thin tube), and suctioning out anywhere from two to five pounds fat on average.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost in Alexandria, VA? Is It Expensive?

There is no one set price for liposuction, or any cosmetic procedure for that matter. The range is quite extensive and depends on various factors, however RealSelf and their verified reviewers estimate an average cost of $7,210.

Because you could pay anywhere from $1,500 to over $15,000, it’s important that you consult with a reputable surgeon that has extensive experience and credentials in performing this particular surgery.

What Factors Affect the Overall Cost of Liposuction?

This wide range in price is determined by several factors and details that you should establish and verify with your doctor beforehand. This includes:

  • Anesthesia: Lipo is performed under general or local anesthesia, and the type of anesthesia used impacts the cost. A local anesthesia is often paired with another medication to keep you relaxed. An anesthesiologist’s fee for general anesthesia is not uncommon.
  • Facility fees: Surgical centers operated by the surgeon itself are often more affordable than surgery performed in a hospital because the hospital will charge your doctor a fee to operate in their facility.
  • Geographic location: An often overlooked detail is where your surgery is being performed. Areas with a higher or lower cost of living impact things like cosmetic procedures and how expensive they’ll be.
  • Pre-surgery and post-op care: Medical testing, post-lipo garments and care, and prescriptions should be factored into your overall costs.
  • Provider credentials: An experienced surgeon who has talent in this specific area will likely charge more for their services because they provide such amazing results. It’s a good idea to invest in your doctor for safety and satisfaction reasons.
  • Treated area: The larger the area or the more areas of the body being treated will raise your total, whereas the smaller the area or fewer areas will lower it.

Is Liposuction Covered By Health Insurance?

To keep it short and sweet, no. Your insurer is highly unlikely to cover liposuction because it falls under the category of cosmetic procedures. Insurance plans typically only cover surgeries, medications, and doctor’s visits that are deemed medically necessary and important for your health.

While you can always call and verify with your insurance company, be prepared to receive a no and to have to cover the cost of your procedure on your own.

Are There Ways to Save Money on Liposuction Safely?

It can be discouraging and intimidating to learn that you’re responsible for the bill, however you shouldn’t let this deter you from making a life-changing decision that will positively affect your confidence and quality of life.

There are actually many ways to make liposuction more affordable and accessible, such as:

  • Bundled treatments: Sometimes, your provider will allow you to bundle your procedures or treated areas if multiple areas of the body are being performed on. Of course, this is only helpful if you’re pursuing multiple surgeries or treating several areas.
  • Choosing a good surgeon: Investing in a high-quality surgeon may not seem like you’re saving money initially, but you actually are. A talented and trained doctor gets it right the first time while adhering to strict safety protocols, ensuring that you love your results and face no health consequences because of them. This allows you to avoid extra procedures to fix issues and saves you money overall.
  • Financing: This is the easiest and most readily available option for affording your surgery. Payment plans take a high initial price and break it down into monthly payments that are easier to budget.

What Are Some Red Flags When It Comes to Pricing?

Cheap lipo doesn’t exactly sound good, does it? While you might want to save money, you shouldn’t sacrifice your health, safety, and happiness to do so. Be cautious if a price seems too good to be true. It probably is!

When you ask, “How much does liposuction cost in Alexandria, VA,” you should be given an honest estimate by your surgeon that factors in the aforementioned factors. Additionally, it should be an individualized quote that considers your unique needs and goals. If a surgeon doesn’t give you upfront pricing, that is an indicator they may have hidden fees.

Receive Your Liposuction Quote Today at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center in Northern Virginia!

Younger Image is proudly serving the DC area with five different locations offering individualized cosmetic procedures like lipo that are tailored to your unique goals and budget! Not only do we offer honest and upfront pricing that starts at $1,500 per area, we also provide affordable and accessible financing.

Call us today at 703-775-2614 to book a consultation and receive your custom quote!