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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost in McLean, Virginia?

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost in McLean, Virginia?

If you’ve done so many sit-ups that you’ve lost count and still aren’t happy with the appearance of your abdomen, it’s possible a tummy tuck is exactly what you need.

Want to know what it does and how it works? Interested in the recovery? Curious about tummy tuck cost in McLean, Virginia? Keep reading for the answers to these questions and more!

Here’s What a Tummy Tuck Does

Also known as abdominoplasty, this surgical procedure is designed to improve the appearance of your abdomen by eliminating sagging skin and stretch marks, while also tightening muscles.

What Should I Expect During the Procedure?

To make sure the incision is as hidden as possible, it’s made along the pubic line. Skin is removed, and abdominal muscles are tightened.

To further enhance the contour of your abdomen, a bit of the remaining skin is attached to the abdominal muscles.

Can I Have Liposuction With My Tummy Tuck?

Great news! Yes, liposuction can safely be done for those patients who wish to eliminate fat for amazing results.

What’s Recovery Like?

Most tummy tucks are done on an outpatient basis, but depending on circumstances, a one-night hospital stay might be needed. A full tummy tuck takes around six weeks of recovery time.

What About Tummy Tuck Cost in McLean, Virginia?

While it’s impossible to give an exact cost without a consultation with your surgeon, the average cost in 2020 was about $6,150. Your cost, of course, depends on several variables.

Factors that influence how much you’ll pay include the skill of your surgeon, anesthesia / facility fees, your desired body goals, and what it takes to achieve those goals. You should also factor in prescription meds and time off work.

You’ll Have an Incredibly Tummy Tuck Experience at Younger Image!

If you’re ready for a beautifully contoured abdomen, then look no further than Dr. Jamal Yousefi! He has the skill and experience you need for stellar results!

Book your consultation to find out more about the amazing benefits and specifics of tummy tuck cost in McLean, Virginia.

Reach us at 703- 775-2614 today! We look forward to hearing from you!