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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Long Does Microneedling Last in McLean, Virginia?

How Long Does Microneedling Last in McLean, Virginia?

How Long Does Microneedling Last in McLean, Virginia: Treatment Time and Length of Results

How long does microneedling last in McLean, Virginia?

We’ve got the scoop!

From how long the actual treatment takes to how long it takes until you see results and how long you can expect them to last, here’s everything you need to know!

Tell Me, How Long Does Microneedling Last in McLean, Virginia?

When it comes to the process of microneedling, you can expect the actual application of the treatment to take about 15 minutes for smaller areas such as the face. However, if you are having microneedling for larger areas such as the stomach or buttocks, it takes longer.

You can expect to spend one to two hours at the facility, as there is more to this process than just utilizing the microneedling device. Before your treatment, a numbing cream is applied. It takes up to 60 minutes to become effective before microneedling begins.

Additionally, if you choose PRP with microneedling to optimize your results through the vampire facial, or will have multiple areas treated during the same visit, you may be at the facility longer.

How Long Should My Microneedling Results Last?

Okay, now for the scoop: how long does microneedling last in McLean, Virginia really when it comes to results? Great news – your results can last up to five months or longer! It’s a good idea to repeat treatments about twice a year to maintain your healthy glow.

How Long Does It Take to See Results From Microneedling?

More good news! You may notice tighter, firmer skin right away. It can take up to six weeks before you see your final result, as the increase in collagen production that this treatment causes occurs over time. Six weeks to glowing skin? That’s worth the wait!

Ready to Book Microneedling Near McLean? Make This Call Today!

Contact Younger Image today at 703-775-2614 for a younger image with microneedling and other cosmetic services!