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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Here’s the Secret to the Best 360 Liposuction in Tysons Corner, Virginia

It is truly amazing how far science and technology have evolved, isn’t it? Imagine liposuction that takes into account your whole being so you achieve masterful results.

This is what you’ll find with the best 360 liposuction in Tysons Corner, Virginia.

What Exactly Is 360 Liposuction?

Liposuction, or simply lipo, is a minimally invasive method of fat reduction that targets specific areas. It’s a versatile technique that a highly qualified surgeon can use on multiple areas of the body for an overall slimmer, more sleek appearance.

360 liposuction employs various techniques so your body as a whole is included in your liposuction plan. For example, if you desire liposuction for your abdomen, your surgeon will use 360 to design a plan to address areas of fat in the surrounding areas such as your waist, flanks, mid-back, and lower back for a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Here’s the Scoop on Finding the Best Plastic Surgeon for 360 Liposuction, Which Is the Real Secret to Success!

Finding the right plastic surgeon is absolutely crucial for amazing results. It goes without saying you need a board-certified surgeon with liposuction experience, but what steps do you take to find one? It’s not difficult, but you do need to take the time to do your research.

  • If you’re not sure exactly where to start your search, begin by asking friends and family who have had 360 liposuction. Who do they recommend, and what kind of experience did they have?
  • Verify the surgeon’s credentials. This includes their education, training, and years of experience. They need to be a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in good standing.
  • Remember any type of plastic surgery requires not only technical and surgical skills but a bit of artistry as well. Take a look at a surgeon’s before / after gallery. Pay attention to anyone who has a similar body type to yours. Like what you see? If you like the results of other patients, you’ll very likely be pleased with yours.
  • This next step might sound like a no-brainer since most people do this anyway, but read reviews. You’ll typically find them on a plastic surgeon’s website, as well as on third-party review sites that verify patients. Check out their social media pages too, reading comments and posts from others.

Do You Need to Book a Liposuction Consultation?

This is the next big secret to achieving the 360 liposuction results you truly desire. Your liposuction consultation is not only the time to discuss your general health (which is necessary), but it’s your time to honestly share your body goals and make sure you qualify.

How Do I Prepare for 360 Liposuction?

Preparing for lipo is not difficult, thankfully. During your consultation, your surgeon may find you need medical tests or clearance from your primary care provider before proceeding with surgery.

You might be asked to adjust or stop taking certain medications. You will need to temporarily discontinue any certain medicines or supplements or that can increase your risk of bleeding, though your prescribing provider should be on board and give the okay.

If you smoke cigarettes, now is a great time to stop. Smoking affects your immune system and inhibits your body’s ability to deliver oxygen. It can significantly slow down the healing process, and in some cases it can lead to infection.

What Is 360 Liposuction Recovery Like?

It does take a while to fully recover from 360 liposuction, and you should allow yourself a couple of days of rest after your surgery. It’s important you follow all post-lipo instructions provided to you by your surgeon. They have been carefully researched to make sure you don’t have a difficult recovery.

You may experience some draining in the first 48 hours after 360 liposuction, and this is perfectly normal. You’ll need to wear a compression garment until instructed otherwise. This helps with healing and contouring.

360 liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require large incisions. The smaller incisions make recovery easier for many patients. While it might be possible for you to return to work after a week, it can take up to four weeks before you fully heal and are able to resume all normal activity.

Am I a Good Candidate for 360 Liposuction?

Patients with a body mass index (BMI) higher than 40 may not be suitable for 360 liposuction. Men and women who are closer to their ideal weight tend to have better results, as this procedure is not meant to be a weight loss program.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has guidelines about the amount of fat that can be removed during 360 liposuction. It is important for you to understand that no more than five liters of fat and fluid should be removed during surgery.

As long as you are generally healthy, have good skin elasticity, and have a positive attitude you’re likely a great candidate for 360 liposuction.

You’ll Find the Best 360 Liposuction in Tysons Corner, Virginia, at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center!

You’re in good hands with Dr. Jamal Yousefi, a world-renowned member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The foundation of his practice was built on his ability to offer his patients choices and continually meet high expectations, while making sure our patients love their results.

If you are ready to discuss how you’ll benefit from 360 liposuction, please give us a call at 703-775-2614 to schedule your consultation. We look forward to being a part of your journey to a slimmer you!