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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Facelift Recovery Questions Answered in Washington, DC

Facelift Before and After Pictures Washington, DC Facelift Before and After Pictures Washington, DC

If you are looking to eliminate wrinkles and sagging skin to achieve a more youthful appearance, there’s no treatment more effective than a facelift. Like any surgical procedure, however, there is a significant recovery period required after treatment. Here is all the information you need regarding some of the most commonly asked facelift recovery questions.

What Side Effects Will I Notice After Treatment?

Like most surgeries, a facelift can produce bruising, swelling and considerable discomfort for the first few weeks after treatment. During this time, it is best for patients to get as much rest as possible. Resting will help the body heal and diminish these side effects as quickly as possible. Pain medication can also be provided to help manage any discomfort, although over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol are also quite effective.

When Can I Resume Work and Exercise?

Resting is essential for recovery, so it is often necessary for patients to take time off of work and other activities, especially those that require physical activity or heavy lifting. Patients are typically able to return to light activities about two weeks after their surgery. This includes work, light household chores, and other daily activities. Still, it is important to avoid strenuous activity for several more weeks. Patients can expect to resume these activities approximately two months after their procedure, although some patients may be able to resume these activities sooner depending on their recovery progress.

When Will My Bandages Be Removed?

Immediately after your facelift, head-dressings and drains will be applied to the face to ensure proper recovery. This must be worn for the first week following your treatment. After this point, you will come in for a follow-up appointment, at which time we will remove your bandages and ensure that you are healing as expected. During this time, we may choose to schedule an additional follow-up appointment and will provide you with specific recovery instructions for the next phase of your recovery.

Do You Have Additional Questions Regarding the Facelift Procedure?

If you are looking for more information regarding the facelift procedure, contact us today at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center. We will be happy to answer any of your questions or help you schedule your initial consultation. We are proud to serve the residents of Rockville, Vienna, Washington, DC and the nearby areas of Virginia and Maryland.