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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Cosmetic Surgery Expenses: How Much Does Twilight Anesthesia Cost?

Safety and comfort are two priorities in ensuring a successful, satisfactory experience during your cosmetic procedures.

Twilight anesthesia, also known as conscious sedation, allows you to experience both during a breast augmentation, facelift, or other surgical procedure. So, how much does twilight anesthesia cost? Read on to find out!

What Is Twilight Anesthesia, and How Does It Compare to Other Methods?

Twilight anesthesia is a type of anesthesia used to keep patients comfortable and pain free during certain procedures, while allowing them to remain conscious and responsive.

It involves administering medications that induce a semi-conscious state, reducing anxiety and discomfort. Unlike general anesthesia, which renders a patient completely unconscious, twilight anesthesia allows the patient to maintain a level of awareness that allows the patient to breathe on their own and respond to verbal cues.

How Much Does Twilight Anesthesia Cost? Is It More or Less Expensive?

Conscious sedation costs anywhere between $25 to $900, depending on a variety of factors. Which sedative drugs are used, the type of treatment you’re undergoing, and how long you will be under twilight anesthesia for all play a role in the total.

For example, IV sedation can cost up to $900, whereas nitrous oxide via inhalation can cost as little as $75 to $100. It’s crucial to discuss with your surgeon the best type of anesthesia for you based on your procedure, financial means, and other practical matters.

Choose Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center for Comprehensive Care and Comfortable Procedures!

At our surgical center, we aim to provide thorough education and care to all of our patients, helping you to make the best choice for you and your comfort.

If you have more questions like, “How much does twilight anesthesia cost,” call us at 703-775-2614 to schedule a consultation and learn more about factors such as financing!