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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Can Lipo 360 Flatten the Stomach?

Lipo 360, 360-degree liposuction, 360 lipo, 360-degree lipo – no matter what you call it, it’s all the same! Addressing multiple areas around the circumference of the body in one procedure, this treatment is increasingly in demand. But, can 360 lipo flatten the stomach? What is the goal of this procedure? What about results? Here’s what you know about this trending cosmetic surgery!

Can 360 Lipo Flatten the Stomach?

Absolutely, this technique can help you achieve a flatter stomach! This specific liposuction procedure was developed to address the front and back of the torso, which means the stomach area is included. You can customize your surgery to address other areas such as the back and flanks / love handles.

Can 360 lipo flatten the stomach? Ultimately, if you want lipo 360 to address your stomach, it can remove excess fat deposits from the abdominal area.

However, whether it can specifically flatten your tummy can only be determined through a consultation with a skilled and reputable surgeon. Liposuction does have limits on the amount of fat that can be removed at one time, so your provider needs to evaluate your current aesthetic before they can let you know how flat they can get your stomach.

You should also note that it’s not a weight loss method. The procedure is designed to target and eliminate stubborn fat that may resist diet and exercise, and the weight lost after fat is removed will not be significant.

Additionally, patients with significant skin laxity in the abdominal area may need an additional procedure to remove excess skin and provide a more substantial abdominal contouring effect.

How Soon Will You See Results?

While each individual timeline varies, patients often see initial results within a few weeks to a few months of the procedure. Initially, there will likely be some swelling and bruising, which delays results. Over the first few weeks, these effects gradually subside.

By the third month post-surgery, most patients will notice significant improvements in body contour. The final outcome may take six months to a year to become fully apparent. It’s important for patients to follow their surgeon’s post-operative instructions, including wearing compression garments and attending follow-up appointments, to support the healing process and optimize results.

How Long Do Lipo 360 Results Last?

The fat cells removed during lipo 360 are permanently eliminated from the treated areas, so in that aspect, the effects are indefinite.

However, remaining fat cells in the area can expand. As long as you maintain a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle, the results will likely be long lasting or permanent. Weight fluctuations, particularly substantial weight gain, will impact your results.

As we age, our bodies naturally undergo changes, including potential fat redistribution. While the procedure can provide lasting improvements, you may still see diminished results over the years.

The Top Lipo 360 Surgeon for Sensationally Smooth Results Can Be Found Here at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Call us today at 703-775-2614 to book a consultation with Dr. Jamal Yousefi here at Younger Image, the DMV area’s premier choice for plastic surgery including 360-degree liposuction. Dr. Yousefi ensures that our patients’ specific goals and expectations are met every single time. Through advanced surgical techniques at our cutting-edge surgical center, we deliver exceptional results while prioritizing your comfort, safety, and satisfaction.

Known for our exceptional pre-op and post-surgical care, we take a patient-centered approach and are dedicated to providing remarkable results. Our membership options can help you save on cosmetic surgery and other aesthetic procedures to help you achieve a more youthful, vibrant, and healthy aesthetic. Be sure to ask about them, as well as financing options!