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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Can I Drink After Botox Injections?

Botox is a quick and easy way to revitalize your skin and make you look younger. When it comes to recovery from this treatment, the process is very simple.

But, it is understandable that people have questions about aspects of recovery. A very common question we get after treatment? Can I drink after Botox injections? So, let’s take a look at what happens when you mix alcohol and injections.

So, Can I Drink After Botox Injections?

Yes, but you should wait six hours to two days before popping the cork and celebrating your rejuvenation journey for multiple reasons. Firstly, bruising is a common side effect of Botox.

However, there are ways to reduce your risk, and a big way to do this is by avoiding alcohol. Alcohol makes your veins wider and blood thinner, both of which increase bruising risk.

Also, alcohol dries skin in general, and this can especially be an issue when it comes to recovering from things like Botox. Dry skin means a longer recovery period.

Plus, your Botox results may not turn out as fantastic as it could without alcohol.

Another perfectly normal side effect from Botox is some dizziness or drowsiness. These usually are not harmful side effects, but it is a good idea to keep track of any symptoms you are feeling so that you can communicate them to your provider.

But if you drink after Botox, it can often make it hard to determine whether your injections are the cause or if it’s from what you consumed.

Sounds Good, I’ll Wait to Toast to My New Look! But, Where Should I Get Botox in Vienna, VA?

Now that you know the answer to the question, “Can I drink after Botox injections,” it’s time to find a reputable aesthetics / plastic surgery center to get injections.

That’s right here at Younger Image, where our team is extremely knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to Botox and other cosmetic treatments. To make an appointment to rejuvenate with Botox, call us today at 703-775-2614.