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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Breast Lift Recovery in Northern Virginia: How Long Does It Last?

Wondering About Breast Lift Recovery in Northern Virginia and How Long It Can Last? Here’s What to Expect!

If you are not satisfied with the perkiness and shape of your breasts, you may be considering some kind of breast lift surgery to adjust their appearance.

When making this decision you want to consider all sorts of factors including your recovery process. A good question to ask is: how long does a breast lift recovery last?

Achieving your optimum results is dependent on following the rules that your surgeon gives you. Your procedure will likely last one to three hours. After the procedure, you can go home after staying in the recovery room for one to two hours.

How Long Does a Breast Lift Recovery Last in the Short Term?

Once you get home, you can resume life as normal for the most part. There are no restrictions on what you can eat, and you should be able to shower within the next day or two. You should also feel comfortable with some moderate movement.

How Long Does a Breast Lift Recovery Last in the Long Term?

After 10 days, you can get your bandages and possibly some sutures removed. Many people take three to seven days off from work after their procedure. You will need to wear a special bra for about a month afterward to keep everything in place.

You likely will not have any restrictions after three weeks following your procedure. After six to 12 weeks, your breasts should have settled into their new shape. Make sure to communicate with your surgeon about your specific case.

Find High-Quality Breast Surgery In Washington, DC Right Here at Younger Image!

Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jamal Yousefi offers a variety of breast augmentation procedures. Give us a call, so that we can help you figure out the best options for you.

Contact us at 703-344-9525 to set up an appointment today.