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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Breast Lift in McLean, Virginia: What You Should Know About Recovery

Aging and childbirth can, unfortunately, cause breasts to sag and droop. It’s less than desirable for a lot of women. Thankfully, a breast lift in McLean, Virginia can restore their shape and youthful appearance!

A breast lift is a surgical procedure though, and recovery does take some time. Here are some facts you should consider before having a breast lift.

Here’s What You Should Expect on the Day of Your Surgery and Thereafter

A breast lift is done under general anesthesia so expect some grogginess when you wake up. You’ll also experience some soreness but will be able to see a change in your breasts immediately. You’ll be able to go home the same day and can expect to see even more significant change over the next few months.

You will be given post-op care instructions regarding how to stay healthy during recovery, physical limitations, and how to dress. It is imperative you follow these carefully so you’ll see amazing results!

One-Week Mark

This is when you’ll go for your follow-up appointment to be sure you’re healing properly. If you have stitches and bandages, they’ll be removed at this time. Usually, stitches are only necessary if you had implants along with your breast lift. As long as healing is going according to schedule, you’ll be able to return to work.

During the Next Month

It is during the two weeks following your breast lift in McLean, Virginia that you’ll experience bruising, swelling, tenderness and discomfort. There’s no need for worry, because your surgeon will prescribe medication so you can easily manage your discomfort at home.

You might also notice some tingling or numbness in your breasts, but don’t be alarmed. Your nerves also go through a healing process. It takes around four to six weeks for the unusual sensations to stop.

Six Weeks After Breast Lift Surgery

This is the time you should expect most of the swelling to be gone and the scars to change. You should be able to return to wearing a regular bra, but don’t be alarmed if your bra size changes. Your size will likely be smaller due to the reshaping and lifting of your breasts.

Six Months to One Year Post-Surgery

You should notice your scarring changing color. Eventually, it turns white and is hardly noticeable. You’ll also find you start enjoying your new appearance more now that recovery is finally over!

Look to Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center for Amazing Results from a Breast Lift in McLean, Virginia!

Our goal is to help you look and feel your best while improving your quality of life. It’s time for your consultation!

Schedule one today by calling 703-775-2614. Trust us when we say you absolutely want the stunning results you’ll only get with Dr. Jamal Yousefi’s skill and many years of experience!