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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Best Tummy Tuck Cost in Chantilly, Virginia: What to Expect

While plastic surgery has been touted as a luxury for the ultra-rich, the truth is that it can be affordable for everyone. The key is to plan your budget.

In order to do that, you need to know the variables that influence the best tummy tuck cost in Chantilly, Virginia. Here are the insider tips you need to know!

Don’t Count on Your Health Insurance Company Footing the Bill

While you should check with your insurance carrier just to be sure, you probably shouldn’t count on their financial help. In most cases, a tummy tuck is viewed as cosmetic and not medically necessary.

Unless it is viewed as a medically necessary procedure, such as to help you recover from a serious injury for example, it’s not likely your insurance will cover any portion.

You Aren’t Just Paying for Surgery

According to the American Society for Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a tummy tuck is $6,154. But, that’s just for the surgery itself. There are many factors that impact your final price for the best tummy tuck cost in Chantilly, Virginia:

  • Complexity of your surgery: Do you have a substantial amount of excess skin to remove? Do abdominal muscles need to be tightened? These extra steps can add to the cost of your tummy tuck.
  • Combining other procedures: Many patients combine a tummy tuck with other procedures such as a butt lift or liposuction. If you plan to do this, you can expect to pay more
  • Surgeon’s experience: You obviously want to stay safe and experience an amazing tummy tuck outcome. To achieve those particular goals, you’re going to pay for the expertise of your surgeon. The more established your surgeon is, the more you can expect to pay.
  • Geographic location: It’s been proven that cosmetic surgical procedures can cost more in certain locations. This is because pricing is influenced by area population, cost of living, and other local economic factors. If your surgeon’s overhead costs are high, it can affect how much you’ll pay for a tummy tuck.
  • Facility and anesthesia fees: In some cases, though certainly, not all, you might pay a separate facility fee. Anesthesia fees are often billed separately from surgeon fees as well.
  • Pre-surgery tests and exam: Do you have health conditions that might make a tummy tuck risky? If so, you might be required to have a preoperative tummy tuck clearance exam with your primary care provider, which will likely include bloodwork.
  • Post-tummy tuck expenses: You might be prescribed pain medication and an antibiotic to take after your tummy tuck. Again, if your insurance won’t cover the cost of prescriptions, this is another out-of-pocket expense.

It might be necessary to plan for help at home and time off work to recover after a tummy tuck. It’s a good idea to plan for these well ahead of time so you know how you’ll be impacted financially.

Other post-tummy tuck expenses to consider are compression garments and follow-up visits with your plastic surgeon if they’re not included in the initial cost.

If You’re Ready to Learn More About the Best Tummy Tuck Cost in Chantilly, Virginia, the Team at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center Is Happy to Help!

Our staff led by Dr. Jamal Yousefi welcomes you to the Younger Image family!

A world-renowned member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Yousefi has dedicated his career to making sure all his patients achieve incredible plastic surgery results. His artistic skill, expertise, and attention to detail are evident as soon as you meet him.

A tummy tuck can be a life-changing procedure. Call us today at 703-775-2614 as an important first step in starting a new chapter in your life, one filled with beauty and confidence!