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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Affordable Lipo for Tummy Cost in Arlington, Virginia: What You Can Expect to Pay

In a perfect world, all it would take to get rid of belly fat would be diet and exercise. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. What does work is liposuction, or lipo. In fact, that is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the United States, and believe it or not, affordable lipo for tummy cost in Arlington, Virginia is not a myth. It’s actually possible!

If you are like millions of men and women who have struggled with losing the belly bulge, you’re not alone. It can be the hardest place to lose weight! You’ve probably wondered how much you’ll pay for a slimmer body through liposuction. This quick guide will tell you all you need to know!

Belly Fat 101: Not All Fat Is the Same

Were you aware that your body has more than one kind of fat? It does.

You know that tummy jiggle you see when you jump and down? That’s called subcutaneous fat, and it’s located right underneath your skin. Visceral fat is what you cannot see, as it is found inside your abdominal cavity.

Liposuction can only remove subcutaneous fat.

Visceral fat is considered dangerous because it is so close to your organs. A healthy diet and regular exercise are the only safe ways to eliminate it. Having visceral fat does not mean you cannot have liposuction. However, it can impact your results. While they’ll be amazing, you might still see a bit of fullness in your abdominal area after liposuction.

Are Liposuction Results Permanent?

Can fat return after lipo? This depends on you. During liposuction, fat cells are suctioned from your body. Once those cells are gone, they are gone for good.

Your body cannot grow new fat cells. But, those that remain can expand. Ideally, before you have liposuction you’ll be committed to a healthy lifestyle because you’ll need that dedication after surgery.

Well-balanced, nutritious meals and a well-rounded workout are essential if you wish to enjoy your liposuction results indefinitely.

Does Liposuction Remove Excess Skin?

No, it doesn’t. Liposuction is intended for fat reduction only and will not get rid of excess skin. If necessary, you may choose to have a tummy tuck and lipo at the same time to eliminate sagging skin and tighten abdominal muscles. You can also speak to your surgeon about skin removal surgery.

Is a Consultation Really Necessary?

It sure is! Before any procedure, whether it is cosmetic or medical, you need a health evaluation. This includes your medical history including health conditions, medications, supplements, and previous surgeries you’ve had. Information is gathered to make sure it’s safe for you to proceed with treatment.

Your liposuction consultation is also necessary for you to discuss your areas of concern, goals, and expectations. You’ll want to also take advantage of this time to ask your surgeon questions.

How Much Is Tummy Lipo?

Without a consultation, it’s impossible to give you an exact price when it comes to affordable lipo for tummy cost in Arlington, Virginia. The average price range for liposuction is $1,000 to $20,000, and your total could fall anywhere in between.

Keep in mind that what you pay isn’t just for surgery. You’re also paying for the surgeon’s skill and experience. The higher demand for their expertise, the more you are likely to pay.

The surgeon’s geographic location makes a difference too. Areas with a high cost of living often see higher prices for cosmetic surgery.

If you need any pre-op bloodwork or tests, you may incur additional fees for the lab work. You also have to factor in facility fees, anesthesia fee, post-op medications, and compression garments. You’ll need to wear those for a while during your liposuction recovery.

Does Insurance Cover the Cost?

It’s not likely. Insurance usually only covers surgery that is considered medically necessary, and that definition can vary. The easiest way to find out what your insurance will and will not cover is to ask the carrier directly.

Is Financing Liposuction an Option?

Many plastic surgeons offer financing options. Options like CareCredit and Alphaeon are popular financing choices for cosmetic procedures. Just know you will need to apply and be approved first.

What Other Areas Can Liposuction Improve?

Good question! If you’re interested in achieving an overall balanced appearance, you’re in luck. Liposuction isn’t only great for your tummy but can also improve the look of your arms, back, buttocks, calves, love handles / flanks, thighs (inner and outer), and waist / hip area. Of course, the more areas you treat the more you’ll pay for liposuction.

How Much Will Affordable Lipo for Tummy Cost in Arlington, Virginia? Your Personalized Quote Can Be Found at Younger Image Plastic Surgery!

We understand how difficult it can be to get rid of stubborn belly fat. If you’re struggling, we invite you to schedule a liposuction consultation with Dr. Jamal Yousefi. As a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, he takes pride in his ability to assess every patient’s unique needs to create a plan designed to achieve optimal results.

Our comfortable, state-of-the-art surgical center is accredited to the highest level by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). Our team of medical professionals including Dr. Yousefi has built a solid foundation for comprehensive, personalized, quality care you won’t find anywhere else.

Call us today at 703-775-2614 to book your liposuction consultation. Be sure to ask about our flexible financing options too!