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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Achieve the Best Liposuction Results in Tysons Corner, Virginia: Your How-To Guide 

Extra fat on the thighs, belly, flanks, and other regions of the body can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance.

But, you don’t have to worry! The best liposuction results in Tysons Corner, Virginia make those undesirable fat cells from the body disappear!

Liposuction, or lipo, is safe and effective, but you likely don’t want to undergo it again in the future. So, you need to know about the best practices to help you achieve and maintain optimal results. Here’s what to do before and after your procedure, as well as other important information and FAQs regarding lipo.

What Exactly Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat from the body through suction. Although the surgery can aid in shaping the body through fat reduction, it is not necessarily for weight loss. However, the excess fat that contributes to weight gain will be eliminated from your body, which may result in minimal weight loss.

How Does the Procedure Work?

A long, thin tube called cannula is inserted into the skin via tiny incisions to loosen fat. Then, once the fat is displaced, the cannula is used to remove it by sucking it out of a syringe vacuum linked to the tube. This procedure requires few and small entry points, resulting in more a natural looking outcome without scarring. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Most individuals who are unable to lose stubborn pockets of fat with diet and exercise are good candidates for liposuction procedure. 

To qualify, you should meet the minimum requirements, having:

  • Generally good health
  • Good skin laxity
  • No life-threatening / disqualifying medical conditions (high blood pressure, pregnancy, etc)
  • Positivity and reasonable expectations for results
  • Stable BMI and within 30% of your ideal body weight
  • Tobacco-free lifestyle

What Should You Do Before Liposuction for Optimum Results?

You can help improve liposuction results if you take the time to prepare properly before the procedure. The following tips can help you achieve the best liposuction results in Tysons Corner, Virginia:

  • Keep Your Weight at a Healthy Level

Before liposuction, it’s a good idea to exercise and eat a nutritious diet to help eliminate excess fat naturally. This will also assist you in establishing healthy routines so that you can maintain your progress over the long term.

  • Quit Smoking

A few weeks before your liposuction procedure, you should quit smoking. By doing so, your blood vessels will be able to transport oxygen to repair tissues more efficiently, which will improve blood circulation throughout the body.

You should also avoid smoking for as long as possible following your surgery in order to prevent nicotine from interfering with the healing process. Nicotine can cause your blood arteries to dilate, preventing blood from flowing freely through your body, making recovery difficult.

  • Boost Your Muscle Strength

The weeks preceding your treatment are ideal for working with a personal trainer to tighten your muscles. Engaging in pre-surgery activities that focus on increasing muscle will hasten your recovery. 

What Should You Do After Liposuction for Optimal Results?

You should follow your provider’s post-surgical recovery advice in order to make the most out of the procedure. The following tips may help speed recovery and contribute to excellent results:

  • Consume a Balanced Diet

To keep your remaining fat cells from expanding and derailing your results, it’s best to stick to a balanced diet. This can help prevent the cells from increasing in size.

  • Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is a risk of lipo, and your cells need water. Try to drink at least 64 ounces of water daily after the procedure.

  • Wear Compression Garments

After liposuction, your provider will instruct you to wear a compression garment. Despite their lack of style, compression garments are critical to the healing process, as they can help minimize skin sagging and wrinkles. They can also help reduce edema and accelerate up the healing process, allowing you to see results sooner.

Here Are Answers to the Top 3 Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

  • How Long Can Liposuction Results Last? 

Liposuction procedure outcomes may take four to six months to become fully apparent, but once the fat tissues are eliminated, the procedure’s results become permanent. However, if you gain weight, become pregnant, or consume an unhealthy diet , your new contour can change. Maintaining a stable weight by practicing a healthy lifestyle and consuming a nutritious diet is essential to preserve your outcome. 

  • Does My Choice Of Surgeons Affect My Liposuction Results?

When planning a liposuction procedure, make sure you select the right surgeon. If you want to get the greatest possible outcome, choose a highly skilled surgeon with excellent online reviews, reputation, bedside manner, and communication skills.

  • What Kind Of Results Can I Expect From Liposuction?

You might expect a range of results following liposuction. However, note that it is not a one-size-fits-all procedure and that your results might not necessarily look like someone else’s.

Realistic expectations are critical to avoiding disappointment in the long run. Your plastic surgeon should be able to tell you what to expect from your procedure in terms of outcomes.

For the Best Liposuction Results in Tysons Corner, Virginia, Choose Body Contouring Surgeon Dr. Jamal Yousefi!

At Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center, Dr. Yousefi and team provide patients with their ideal aesthetic after liposuction and other cosmetic services, and it shows in our before / after photos! Call us today at 703-775-2614 to let us help get you into your best shape!