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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

4 Reasons to See a Breast Lift Specialist in McLean, Virginia

Breast Lift Specialist in McLean

As you age, so do your breasts. Plus, changes in your body from pregnancy and weight loss or gain can drastically change the appearance of them, affecting your confidence and comfort.

Here are four reasons to consider visiting a breast lift specialist in McLean, Virginia.

  • Aging and Skin Laxity

Aging is the main culprit for breasts starting to sag or droop, caused by a loss of collagen and elastin, the two proteins that allow our bodies and skin to bounce back.

Many women, especially mature women, should consider a breast lift if this natural sagging has caused insecurity.

  • Dissatisfaction with Shape, Size or Appearance

If you dislike the size, shape, or overall appearance of your breasts, you may be surprised to find that a breast lift can kick that dissatisfaction to the curb. You can even combine a breast lift with other forms of breast augmentation for an extra boost.

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Sustaining life can take a lot out of a person and their appearance, and breasts are no exception. Due to the skin laxity and stretching that occurs during pregnancy or nursing, you may find a breast lift to be a viable option for correcting it.

  • Weight Loss or Gain

As breasts are made up of fat cells, they are as liable to change as anywhere else on your body as you lose or gain weight, effectively shrinking or increasing the size of your fat cells.

A breast lift can provide a more natural look if changes in weight have affected their appearance.

Seeking the Top Breast Lift Specialist in McLean, Virginia? Visit Younger Image!

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center is home to the best breast lift specialist in McLean, Virginia, offering personalized solutions in order to get your health, both physical and mental, and confidence back on track!

Contact us today at 703-775-2614 to schedule your consultation with renowned breast lift surgeon Dr. Jamal Yousefi here at Younger Image!