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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

Your FAQs for the Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Arlington, VA, Answered Inside!

You have unwanted fat and loose skin you want to get rid of, and a tummy tuck seems the right solution. Undoubtedly you have questions. Find the answers to the questions you want to ask the best tummy tuck surgeon in Arlington, VA right here!

Q: What Exactly Is a Tummy Tuck?

A: Also called abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess abdominal skin and fat while tightening underlying muscles.

This procedure is typically conducted under general anesthesia. Incisions are made, and then skin is then separated from the abdominal wall. The muscles are repositioned and secured. Excess fat and skin are eliminated, and the navel is repositioned for a natural appearance. If desired, the belly button can also be reshaped.

Remaining skin is redraped to achieve a smoother, firmer abdominal appearance, and the incisions are closed.

Q: What Can I Expect During Recovery?

A: Recovery times vary based on age, your health, type of tummy tuck, and post-surgical care. Your surgeon will provide a more detailed recovery timeline, but generally, most patients start to feel closer to their normal selves around eight weeks after surgery. During this time, rest is important to allow your body to heal, and you may need help at home. It’s a good idea to make those arrangements before your surgery.

Q: Are Tummy Tuck Results Long Lasting?

A: Results can be long lasting with a healthy lifestyle. However, the natural aging process and lifestyle factors can impact the outcome. Maintaining a stable weight and good skin care can help preserve your results for many years.

Q: Is It Safe to Combine a Tummy Tuck With Additional Procedures?

A: In most cases, yes, and it’s not an uncommon practice. Of course, you need to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon, but many patients choose to combine abdominoplasty with breast augmentation, liposuction, or even a complete mommy makeover which involves several procedures at once.

Q: How Do I Find an Experienced Surgeon?

A: Finding an experienced tummy tuck surgeon is not difficult but does require careful research.

Start by seeking recommendations from trusted sources like your primary care provider. Additionally, friends or family who’ve had successful procedures are an excellent resource.

The best tummy tuck surgeon in Arlington, VA is one who is board certified. Verify their credentials and experience. Take a look at before / after photos of their actual patients to gauge the quality of their work.

Schedule consultations with multiple surgeons to discuss your goals and expectations, as well as to assess their approach. Ask about hospital affiliations and the surgical facility’s accreditation. In fact, you should take advantage of this time to ask questions about the procedure too.

Above all, you need to trust your instincts. Choose a surgeon with whom you feel comfortable and confident.

Q: Who Is an Ideal Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

A: A good candidate for abdominoplasty is a person who is in good physical health, doesn’t smoke, and maintains a consistent weight. Realistic expectations are essential. This surgery is typically not recommended for anyone who plans to have children, is obese, or who is a smoker who is unwilling to temporarily stop smoking.

Rest assured, all factors including your safety and goals will be thoroughly evaluated to determine your eligibility for the procedure.

Your Search for the Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Arlington, VA Ends at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center!

Call us today at 703-775-2614 to book your consultation with Dr. Jamal Yousefi, a world-renowned plastic surgeon with extensive tummy tuck experience and multiple DC-area locations.

Dr. Yousefi performs procedures in our state-of-the-art facility that has earned the highest certification level from the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF). His keen artistic eye and expertise are exactly what you need for sensational results, so contact us now!