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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Much Weight Can You Lose From Liposuction in Washington, DC?

Almost everyone has an idealized version of themselves in their head they would love to achieve, and for many this includes their dream body. If you’re struggling to achieve it naturally, you might want to consider liposuction.

How much weight can you lose from liposuction in Washington, DC? Keep reading to find out!

What Is Liposuction, and How Is It Performed to Slim You Down?

Liposuction, or simply lipo, is a cosmetic procedure that is sometimes referred to as surgical body contouring. It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the United States, and for good reason.

This beloved fat reduction treatment may include various techniques and technologies, however the primary way this surgery is performed doesn’t vary all too much. It involves making incisions in the treated area, inserting a thin tube (cannula), and literally suctioning out stubborn pockets of fat for a slimmer, smoother appearance.

This is done under general or local anesthesia, depending on the involvement of your procedure. Results can be seen quickly and are long lasting.

Liposuction can be used to remove excess fat from many areas of the body, including the buttocks, stomach, upper arms, calves, ankles, thighs, flanks, hips, chest, and back. It can also treat gynecomastia, which is excess breast tissue in men.

How Much Weight Can You Lose From Liposuction in Washington, DC?

Liposuction and weight loss is a hot topic that doesn’t always have a clear answer. Many people even believe the misconception that liposuction is a weight loss surgery, leading to their disappointment when they find out the hard way that it’s not.

The short answer is that liposuction can’t reduce significant amounts of weight. The long answer is that yes, technically some weight is lost after you undergo this procedure because fat is being removed and fat does have weight.

Up to 11 pounds, the equivalent of five liters, of excess fat can be suctioned out. That being said, most patients only lose two to five pounds of fat. So, while you will see the scale go down slightly, it’s not enough to classify it as a weight loss procedure.

How Does Your BMI Affect Your Liposuction Results?

Experts recommend that you should be within 30% of your ideal weight, however there isn’t necessarily a definitive body mass index (BMI) or weight that’s ideal to have this surgery done. There are so many factors that go into determining candidacy that you really won’t know if it’s right for you until you consult with a reputable surgeon.

A slightly higher BMI can be beneficial in this case. It’s not realistic or healthy to achieve an extremely low body fat percentage, so it can help you to have a little extra padding in order to create a flattering and smooth shape. Plus, at least an inch of fat is necessary to qualify for liposuction.

What Is the Difference Between Essential, Subcutaneous, and Visceral Fat?

Did you know there are different types of fat in the body? Each one of them serves its own role, and not all of it can be removed via body contouring.

Essential fat is exactly what it sounds like – it is a vital type of body fat that is responsible for keeping you healthy. It is found in your bone marrow, brain, membranes that protect and guard your organs, and your nerves. This is the fat you want to keep.

Subcutaneous fat is the fat that’s removed during liposuction. It is stored under the skin and makes up the majority of your body fat. A certain amount is normal and healthy, but stubborn, excessive pockets can present issues and can be removed safely.

Finally, visceral fat is “belly fat” that’s stored in your abdomen around all of your major organs. It is, basically, the bad fat when it is in high amounts, and increases your risk for certain health complications.

Should You Aim to Lose Weight Before or After Liposuction?

A healthy weight is what you should aim for before you pursue body contouring. This looks different for everyone though, and whether or not you should lose weight should be discussed with your doctor.

As a general rule, it is better to get within 30% of your ideal weight beforehand. Extreme weight fluctuations, whether you lose or gain, can negatively impact and diminish your results. Maintaining a stable weight with a healthy lifestyle is recommended.

Bottom Line: Who Can Benefit the Most From Liposuction?

There is no easy answer to this question because various people with different builds, BMIs, and weights can benefit from liposuction. Ultimately, consulting with an experienced cosmetic surgeon is the only way to find out if lipo is right for you.

The primary qualifications to be a candidate is that you’re a healthy adult with realistic expectations and a willingness to make certain lifestyle changes pre-surgery and post-op, such as temporarily quitting smoking if applicable. Good skin elasticity is a bonus, especially if you aren’t interested in skin tightening treatments as well.

Make Your Dream Body a Reality With Liposuction at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center!

Do you have more questions like, “How much weight can you lose from liposuction in Washington, DC?” Our renowned surgeon Dr. Jamal Yousefi has answers for you! It’s time to learn more about liposuction, find out if it’s right for you, and what you can expect as far as results.

Call us at 703-775-2614 to book a consultation and explore the amazing world of body contouring!