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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Much Does Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Cost Vienna?

Skin rejuvenation treatments, such as ultrasound, radiofrequency, or laser therapy, can help to tighten the skin, reduce sagging, and improve overall skin texture and tone. But how much do these procedures cost? In this article, we will discuss the different factors that affect non-surgical skin tightening cost Vienna and give you a rough estimate of how much you can expect to pay.

How Much Does Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Cost Vienna?

Non-surgical skin tightening cost Vienna ranges from $500 to $4000 per session.

More specifically, ultrasound treatments usually cost between $2000 and $4000 per session, while radiofrequency or laser treatments range from $500 to $2500 per session.

However, most people require between two and six sessions to achieve optimal outcomes.

3 Factors That Affect Skin Tightening Prices

The cost of non-surgical skin tightening treatments depends on several key factors. These include: The type of skin tightening treatment, the location of the clinic, and the extent of the area being treated.

1) Type of Skin Tightening Treatment

When it comes to determining non-surgical skin tightening cost Vienna, the type of treatment matters.

Ultrasound treatments are usually the most expensive, followed by radiofrequency and laser therapy.

However, the results from ultrasound treatments usually last longer and are more effective than radiofrequency and laser therapy, which may require more sessions to achieve similar results.

2) Geographic Location

Geographic location is also a significant factor in the cost of non-surgical skin tightening.

Clinics in metropolitan areas like New York City and Los Angeles charge more than clinics in smaller towns or cities. Some clinics may also have higher fees more based on their reputation and expertise.

3) Treatment Area

Another factor that influences the cost of non-surgical skin tightening is the extent of the area being treated.

Generally, the larger the area, the more expensive the treatment will be. For example, treating the entire face will cost more than just the eyelids or chin.

Schedule a Consult for Non-Surgical Skin Tightening

If you’re contemplating non-surgical skin tightening, please call our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jamal Yousefi.