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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost in McLean, Virginia?

Brazilian Butt Lift Cost in McLean Virginia

For a Rounder & Perkier Booty, How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost in McLean, Virginia

If you want to improve the look of your butt, but exercise and diet just do not seem to be doing the trick, you may want to consider a Brazilian butt lift (BBL).

The BBL is a procedure that uses your own fat cells to improve the size and shape of your butt. But maybe you are wondering, “How much does a Brazilian Butt Lift cost in McLean, Virginia?”

So, How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost in McLean, Virginia? What Factors Into the Cost?

A BBL can cost between $2,000 and $10,000, with the average price around $6,500. A number of variables are considered when pricing these procedures, including the following:

Provider Experience

The more experience that a provider has, often, the pricier the procedure will be. This is also true if your surgeon is more specialized in their training.


You may be able to choose either local or general anesthesia for a BBL procedure. General anesthesia is more expensive than local anesthesia, since general anesthesia requires a more specialized anesthesiologist.


Generally, US coastal cities have a higher demand for BBLs, and so the cost will be higher as a result of supply and demand.


Recovery costs can include prescription medicines, follow-up appointments, and special garments.

Other factors may include the complexity of your procedure, facility fees, follow-up appointments, and other variables.

Where Can I Get a Great Brazilian Butt Lift In McLean, Virginia?

Now that you know the answer to the question, “How much does a Brazilian Butt Lift cost in McLean, Virginia,” you are ready to find the best BBL near you.

The experts at Younger Image are here to help you get the best results possible. To book a consultation, call us today at 703-344-9525, or request a FaceTime appointment now. It’s time to contour your body exactly the way you want it!