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Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center

For the Best Liposuction Doctor in Arlington, Virginia, Follow These 6 Tips

You’re planning to have liposuction, and it probably goes without saying you want a phenomenal outcome. A slender and beautifully contoured body can certainly be yours if you know what to do.

This guide to finding the best liposuction doctor in Arlington, Virginia is a must-read and will set you on the path to achieving your body goals.

  • Choose a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Is board-certification really that important? The answer is YES! There is a rigorous process to become board certified that involves education, training, and testing.

  • Interview Potential Liposuction Doctors

Some people are intimidated by the idea of “interviewing” a doctor, but you shouldn’t be. They’re used to answering questions. You should ask about their years of experience, how many liposuction procedures they’ve performed, and their success rate, as well as about anything else you’d like to know. During the interview is a good time to see photo examples of their work too.

  • Find Out Information About the Surgical Facility

There is a misconception that liposuction must be done in a hospital. This actually isn’t as common as you might think, as many reputable surgeons have their own facility. The best liposuction doctor in Arlington, Virginia will perform surgery in a center that is certified by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).

It’s actually a good thing to find a liposuction doctor with their own surgical center. This means they’ve taken the time to assemble their own team of experts, and it’s typically staff they have worked with for years. In a hospital setting, doctors don’t always have a choice over who assists in the operating room.

  • Consider Their Character and Communication Style

Stellar medical credentials are absolutely necessary, but so is the character of your surgeon. The American Medical Association lists the most valuable plastic surgeon characteristics as dedication, integrity, ingenuity, scientific curiosity, creativity, and a commitment to excellence. What are traits that matter to you? Be sure to prioritize those as well.

Something else to consider is a surgeon’s style of communication. Are you a patient that appreciates a bit of levity and humor during your appointment, or do you prefer straightforward, matter-of-fact discussions? You’ll respond better to a doctor who shares a similar personality.

  • Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation

Your liposuction consultation serves many purposes, and you’ll receive quite a bit of information, so be prepared. You will need a medical evaluation to make sure it’s safe to proceed with surgery. You’ll be asked about previous surgeries, medications, supplements, and existing health conditions that could make liposuction risky.

You’re probably going into this with expectations, which is quite common for many patients and perfectly normal. Just be sure to be truthful about your body goals and exactly what you hope to achieve with liposuction. This allows an open discussion about the results you can realistically expect.

Do you have questions about liposuction? Now is the perfect time to ask! Here is a list to get you started, and you can add your own questions to it too.

  • Am I a good candidate for liposuction?
  • Where will my surgery be performed?
  • What emergency protocols do you have in place?
  • How do I prepare for surgery?
  • What happens during liposuction?
  • Are there side effects or risks associated with the procedure?
  • What is the recovery timeline?
  • Will I need help during recovery?
  • What is expected of me to achieve and enjoy long-lasting results?
  • How long do liposuction results last?
  • Do I have options if I’m not satisfied with the outcome?

You should be provided with upfront pricing for liposuction, and it should include details about all fees you’ll be charged. Are you interested in financing or specials? Maybe you’re curious about combining liposuction with another procedure. Use this time to get information on the costs.

During this meeting, it’s important to remember your doctor should be honest and tell you the truth about your procedure, the good along with the bad. They should never just tell you what you want to hear. That is their responsibility. Yours is to not insist on procedures or techniques that aren’t safe for you and to respect your surgeon’s guidelines.

  • Pay Attention to Your Instincts

It has been proven that individuals who listen to their instincts usually make smarter choices and have more pleasant experiences. This is a good time for you to tune in.

When you leave your consultation, give thought to how you feel. Did you have a positive experience? Were you listened to and understood? How did the doctor and staff treat you? Was the environment clean and comfortable?

Remember, your consultation is not an obligation. You’re not locked into a surgeon, so keep looking until you find the right doctor if anything at all feels off to you.

You’ll Find the Best Liposuction Doctor in Arlington, Virginia, at Younger Image Plastic Surgery Center!

Make today the day you begin your journey to the body you’ve always wanted. Schedule your liposuction consultation with Dr. Jamal Yousefi. Using his years of experience as a board-certified plastic surgeon combined with an artistic eye and true talent, he’ll create a personalized plan that helps you safely reach your goals.

Call us today at 703-775-2614 to book your appointment, and let’s get started on your path to liposuction success. The team at Younger Image believes treatment should be affordable for all our patients, so be sure to ask about financing plans when you contact us!